VetLine Recruitment is looking for experienced Veterinary Surgeons to work in reputable small animal clinics in the UK. We have positions available all across the country with good transportation links to nearby airports.
The progressive, fully-equipped practices have teams of dedicated and caring staff with facilities to deal with all aspects of modern vet practice, including (but not limited to) digital x-ray, ultrasound and in-house laboratory.
The opportunity to develop your interest in specific areas will be positively encouraged and facilitated within a generous CPD budget (professional development courses).
The ideal candidate will have:
- Good customer service skills
- A positive attitude and a desire to learn and to develop their skills
- At least 1 or 2 years of experience working with small animals (being around pets and owners) but new graduates are also encouraged to apply.
- Good level of English - you will need to pass an English for visa purposes
About the position:
Excellent package available for the right candidate, which will be agreed on during the interview
- Generous salary based on experience - starting salary £34,000 for a new graduate an up to £60,000+ for experienced vets
- Pension scheme
- 28+ days of holiday per year
- Generous CPD allowance
- Royal College fees paid
- Pension scheme
- Some of the roles include accommodation
We will also help you with:
- Moving to the UK - flight tickets from your home country to the UK and transport from the airport to the accommodation
- Registering with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)
- Apply for a National Insurance Number (NINo)
- Obtain a visa to work in the UK
- Opening a bank account
- Register with a GP (family doctor)
- Life in the UK
For a confidential and informal chat about life in the UK as a Vet please send us your CV and one of our recruitment consultants will get in touch to arrange a telephone conversation at a convenient date and time for you.
We can offer you our professional advice on living costs in the UK, career opportunities, Brexit etc
Interested? Apply now with your CV and a member of our team will get in touch with you shortly.
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